Thursday, February 1, 2007

The baby is in the trash can

Shawn Joaquin has started telling me his dreams in the morning, and today told me that in his dream (which happened in The Hole in the Wall Above His Bed, where all his dreams take place) a clown was putting babies in trash cans for their mommies and daddies...or their two he clarified...who would find them and be really happy to have their new baby. I wasn't sure whether to be proud of his Families Come In All Sizes perspective or to be horrified about the image of babies in trash cans, and wonder if he'd been reading some tabloid or surfing the net again.

In the end I decided to just roll with it, since this all came from a kid who also told me he likes Rachel Ray because she's very clean and shiny and always wants to know what a store sells and who buys it and where are the people and who turned the lights off. He's just a creative thinker. And an excellent partner for Who's On First.

I'm glad my son is a thinker and doesn't often have to be scraped off the ceiling. We spend more time talking about what the cat may be thinking about, where ghosts go when we can't see them, why people play tennis, if moose can really talk, whether Dumbo is a heffalump or an elephant, what owls eat, what an okapi says, if Kimberly will ever get to come to his house, what we're going to do next and where we've been. And every long monologue ends with a brief pause, and then "that was a great story, Mom. I'm going to tell it again."

And every time, I'm more than willing to listen.

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