When I was a child, my mom used to bake this cake for Easter. My mother was not a Pepperidge Farm mom — there were no cookies and milk waiting for us when we got home from school. We were more likely to find a note that said, "I'm sleeping. Turn the TV on low and do not disturb me if you ever want to be allowed to watch American Bandstand or the Hardy Boys again" or something along those lines. And when we were home sick, we had better be damn sick. Though the phrase "GET UP YOU BIG FAT FAKER" was rarely uttered, we were encouraged to go back to school as soon as the vomiting was at least controllable and only the weakest of our friends would abandon us if we lost it. But on Easter, my young mom rolled up her peasant sleeves and pulled her hair back in leather braid wraps to bake The Bunny Cake, the cake we looked forward to each year.
In honor of my mother and the first year of Shawn Joaquin not only recognizing the significance of the day but also no longer shrieking at the sight of the Easter bunny, I spent a large portion of Saturday making this cake. And filling 40 eggs with painstakingly cut out tattoos, individual stickers, small toys, banana chips, almonds and small peanut butter crackers.
Things we learned about Easter and
Shawn Joaquin this year include:
Shawn Joaquin this year include:
- The three-hours-to-make Bunny Cake could be a fast, lopsided Pile of Crap Cake and he's still want it, because, damnit, IT'S CAKE
- Five is the number of eggs that can be found with even weak enthusiasm, and a leaf blowing by on the ground can be a welcome distraction from our cheering-on of the egg hunt that merely takes him away from Other More Important Things Like Eating Toast
- Books trump toys
- Jelly beans are actually called jelly crackers, and they are — according to Shawn Joaquin — "bad things...dangerous crackers...and not for children"
- The Easter Bunny doesn't like children and wears sunglasses even at night
Sounds like me in the '80s.
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