Monday, September 29, 2008

It might be better with some ranch dressing

Shawn Joaquin has finally gotten the hang of the whole sleeping thing and often has his wake ups down to one 3am wail or just a few half-hearted attempts to rouse sympathy for his forced confinement to bed. Tonight he was up several times before 8:30, each excuse more lame than the last. Books. Water. Bathroom.

And so it went, until his final plea.

I can't sleep.
Because I ate paper. And it didn't taste very good. 
Well, don't eat paper.
OH. [Slapping himself in the head.] Good night.

And with that he ambled back to bed, toilet tissue stuck to his lower lip and a faint smacking sound heard in the distance as he tried to finish it off. Yes, he's a freak. But he's MY freak. And I love him.

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