Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Random Things

  1. I could not live without reading every day.
  2. The best and hardest thing I’ve ever done was to find my children – born from my heart if not my body – and to be the best parent I can be every day.
  3. I am addicted to Scrabble and am currently seeking a 12-step program.
  4. Sometimes when I see my husband naked, all I hear inside my head is “OMG, it’s a MAN!!!!”. He’s super hunky.
  5. I think about my brother every single day.
  6. I am finally friends with my mom again, so I can lose “crazy ass bitch” as a term of endearment
  7. I love that I have a handful of friends who remind me of who I really, truly am.
  8. I am a moderate with extreme swings to either side on specific issues.
  9. I love that we have a multicultural family and that our children will never question why Amalie has two mommies, why Lucas’s mom is dark and his dad is light, and why their grandparents are raising their cousin. They know that a family is made up of people who love each other for life, and that’s what counts.
  10. I never knew I could love ANYONE as much as I love my children.
  11. I constantly dream of an ex-boyfriend. And it totally freaks me out.
  12. Getting married was never high on my priority list. When I married Gregg, it was not because I chose to get married but rather because I chose HIM.
  13. I speak nothing but Spanish to Madelena, 24/7.
  14. I am on the board of my son’s school not because I enjoy long meetings but because I am committed to the idea of bilingualism, biliteracy and creating new global citizens who will not only be able to see the world’s problems but be motivated to and capable of tackling them.
  15. I miss having a best girlfriend.
  16. I have insomnia six out of seven nights. And I do not enjoy the extra hours of wakefulness that brings.
  17. I like my bottom. I have worked hard to keep it from gravity’s cruel grasp.
  18. I always have fresh flowers in the house. Or at least once-fresh-and-soon-to-be-replaced flowers.
  19. I live by my grandmother’s adage: every house should have at least one red chair.
  20. Underneath my crispy, crunchy exterior is an extremely oooey gooey center.
  21. I can’t stand to fail.
  22. I am smarter than the average bear.
  23. I want to live in a Spanish-speaking country with my family for at least six months, if not longer.
  24. My feet have gone up a full size since college. But so has my bra cup size.
  25. I wish that I were truly bilingual so that I would never realize that in a moment of exhaustion I had said something in Spanish that could translate into “Tell me a hug after you leave”.

Originally published on Facebook as part of the "25 Random Things" viral, navel-gazing experiment.

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