Monday, November 30, 2015

The big day cometh...

For a year and two days, Madelena has been planning her 5th birthday party and wielded the event as a weapon: if on any given day you fell out of favor, you were NOT invited to her birthday party. At various times the entire family was banned from the hoopla, and she was going to enjoy it with her stuffed duck — Carmella — and Santa. On other days, her entire preschool class was also invited, minus two boys she referred to as 'bollies" and/or those not currently bending to The Will of Madelena.

Throughout the year, when turned down for any item, activity or food, Madelena followed up with "but on my birthday, I can have it, right Mama?" This phrase was used indiscriminately and often. Thus, "Yeah, sure" became a standard reply; if all requests were honored, today's guests could look forward to unfettered access to ravioli, trampolines, squirrels, feather boas, blue eye shadow, extra sharp scissors, gummy worms and unicycles. Performers would include face painters, storytellers, ballerinas and a pirate she became both enamored of and frightened by on the corner of Telegraph and Durant. The evening would end with a water fight and fireworks, and might then move on to Pump It Up for an after party. Alas, our backyard, pizza and a sparkly jumpy house will have to suffice.

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