Friday, November 16, 2007

You say "peine", I say "pene"

I had my first Spanish tutoring session today since returning from Antigua. It was wonderful to speak with an adult and be able to tell her more than that I wanted to change her diaper or ask if she could go find her bottle. Luisa complimented my accent and my newfound fluidity, bolstering my confidence. Since Madelena's arrival in my life, I have been committed to speaking only Spanish to her and have been concerned about using poor grammar or somehow ruining her language acquisition skills.

All is not golden, however. In committing to speaking only Spanish, sometimes words are left unsaid. Or, as I learned today from Luisa, I may be directing her to do things that I had not intended through simple mispronunciation or sheer, unadulterated idiocy.

What I meant to say:
Go this way. You're worth the pain. I have missed you so much. You have stolen my heart.

What I was actually saying:
This road. You're worth the penis. I have thrown you. You have barked my heart.

This is why sometimes, just sometimes, it is better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and confirm it.

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