Monday, December 17, 2007

Dear Santa

Shawn Joaquin's letter to Santa:

Dear Santa:

Please give presents to my baby sister, Madelena. I know you are coming to the zoo, and I hope you bring presents. Thank you for the toys you bring. We're friends now.

I am going to leave you a present when it's Christmas time. I will leave you cookies, I think, and carrots for the reindeer. That's it. That's the end of the story.

Shawn Joaquin

My letter to Santa:

Dear Santa:

Please give presents to Shawn Joaquin and Madelena. Please ensure these presents are already assembled, wrapped and any batteries are already in place. Please don't give them crap that will break in two weeks or I will have to break in two weeks because of some annoying song, sound or children singing through a tinny speaker. BTW, any Barbie item will immediately be put into a burning pyre, along with any plastic guns, swords or other arms. Yes, she IS that dangerous.

Please give presents to Gregg. This will save me a lot of shopping time that could better be used as bath time. While showers have become a distant memory of a cleaner, more attractive time, I do enjoy the occasional bubble bath where the roar of the pipes drowns out the call of responsibility or a wailing child/husband.

Please don't worry about any presents for me. I have enough material goods and would really only want a 30 hour day during which I could be invisible for 6 hours, and I know your elves are still working on that one for moms everywhere.

Shawn Joaquin said we would leave you cookies and carrots. The carrots are sure to be there, but the cookies might be gone. Just know they were really delicious and made with love by me, for me...I mean you.

Merry Christmas,

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