Why I love my father-in-law: When Lou is here, he is willing to read Mother Goose at least 15 times before asking for another book. He has no problem making his own coffee. He enjoys tea parties on small chairs. He will share a single-serve sweet potato pie made by Charles' House of Pies with me and not complain that 1) it's sweet potato or 2) that his half is smaller. He is happy to do whatever we'd like to do, even if that's just going to Rite Aid to see how the renovation went and if the creepy check out guy is still there or if a large tower of protein shakes fell on him and crushed his greasy head. He likes my animals and tells Shawn Joaquin that he loves him. He thinks that watching Gregg wash his car serves as entertainment. He makes his own bed. He is pleased to have any meal, regardless of content or presentation.
I would like to clone him and bring him out of the closet on any day when I want someone else to read to Shawn Joaquin, to call me "sweetheart", to appreciate the decisions we make for Shawn Joaquin, or to just watch
Law and Order with us on the sofa...falling asleep just after the crime and waking up for the confession, and still glad to just be here with us.
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