Shawn Joaquin was very excited about the whole Easter concept and immediately wanted to call his grandmother to tell her about it, in case she was out of the loop.
SJ: Gam, the rabbit is coming to our house for Easter.
Gam: Yes, the Easter Bunny is coming.
SJ: No, it's a COSTUME rabbit. With a boy inside.
Gam: What?
SJ: He brings a box with eggs. The eggs have snacks inside. And he hides them under my bed when it's dark.
Gam: No, it's —
SJ: A BOY. In a COSTUME. I'm gonna hang up now.

And so begins what will be an oft-told tale in the future: Sneaky Day, the holiday when the costumed boy creeps into your room and hides cookies under your bed. It will be like our own Festivus. Perhaps we can add our own twists, like the Hiding of the Underwear, the traditional eating of taqueria food, and favorite songs like "Sneaky Boy, Sneaky Boy" sung to the tune of Smelly Cat.
Sneaky boy, sneaky boy
Why are you so sneaky?
Sneaky boy, sneaky boy
Thanks for the snacks.
Ah, I can almost taste them now.
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