Friday, May 4, 2007

Boots and bottoms

Shawn Joaquin spends an inordinate amount of time in his underwear and rainboots, clomping around in preparation for toilet time. He's adverse to total nudity, and in fact was only recently convinced of the benefits of the underwear and boots ensemble as it pertained to Speed to Toilet.

At some point this morning, we lost his underwear amidst the tinkle time excitement.

"Shawn Joaquin, where's your underwear?"
"On Daddy's head."
"I don't think so — why would it be on daddy's head?"
"He likes to wear underwear on his head and dance around. Can I have some milk please?"

I'd like to pretend I'm shocked. But I'd rather put my energy into planting a nanny cam upstairs to capture the next Underpants Head Dance. Oh man, our Christmas card is gonna be GREAT this year.

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