Monday, May 7, 2007

Broken baby

This weekend, Shawn Joaquin wanted to know what I dream about. Usually we talk about HIS dreams, which still occur in the hole in the wall. In fact, Shrek recently visited there with his three new babies, and Shawn Joaquin let me know that Shrek IS NOT GOOD and SHOULD NOT EVER COME TO OUR HOUSE.

My dream involved babies, but not green ones. I told Shawn Joaquin I had dreamed that we were in Guatemala with Madelena and that the three of us were walking down the street. As in real life, he was yelling PICK ME UP PICK ME UP because he sensed stranger danger from 200 yards away...a speck on the horizon that may indeed be a human who might actually LOOK at him. As I recounted the dream I explained that in real life, he’d need to walk since I need to carry Madelena.

SJ: No, she should crawl in the street while you carry ME.
Me: That would be very dangerous for Madelena.
SJ: It's okay — she can hold her foster mother's hand.

Clearly, there has been a level of information absorption and possible resentment brewing behind those big black eyes. He then went on to explain that if she crawled in the street a car would come and it would BREAK THE BABY and MAKE HER ALL DIRTY AND MESS UP HER CLOTHES. AND I DON'T WANT A BROKEN BABY. SHE WILL HAVE TO STAY THERE.

I think we have a ways to go on the new sibling preparation. Because hey, he's right. No one wants a broken baby.

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