Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ms Potato Head

Yesterday my son missed seeing me all day — when he came home from school I was away at a lunch appointment, and when he arose from his nap I was at his school for yet another critical meeting and didn't return until after 11pm. We usually see each other many times throughout the day; our encounters sprinkled with hugs and kisses and head butts and demands of snacks with milk in mama's bed NOW. So he was more than delighted to see me when he awoke especially early today, perhaps cognizant of my late night and not wanting me to get all soft by allowing myself to sleep more than five hours.

MAMA! Where you go? Come here. I gonna hug you and
squish you like a POTATO.

Twenty head-squeezing seconds later all those difficult events of the last few days and weeks seemed like so much nonsense. This is where it's at: head squishing at dawn by the person you love most in this world, regardless of the fact that at any given moment he may turn on you and tell you to GO AWAY, this is not YOUR AREA and might even wipe off your kiss if he's so inclined. Todo vale la pena.

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