Finally, for the first time in 19 days, we're having a happy day. I found myself having the surreal experience of lunch with two kids at IKEA, eating Swedish meatballs and listening to "Hungry Like The Wolf" while sitting on clean-lined, white, modern furniture and watching trucks go by on the 80 overpass. Shawn Joaquin was in heaven — watching trucks while eating meat and with the allure of funky plastic toys a few yards away and Mama not paying too much attention to the Interloper. I had a cringe moment when I realized I had given Madelena a french fry to keep her content and extend our few minutes of joy, a food choice denied to Shawn Joaquin until just a few months ago and even then only a few at a time. But given the copious amounts of fruit, egg whites and other healthy treats she's normally eating or smearing in her hair, it seemed worth the price. Plus she's already suffering from the second-child syndrome, being allowed to eat non-organic foods and dirt and having fewer photos taken, her baby book still sitting in its box on a shelf somewhere next to the plug outlet covers and hand-mixer for food.
As I later pushed my two kids in the cart, Madelena in the seat and Shawn Joaquin enjoying a usually forbidden ride in the basket, I was overwhelmed with love and pride in my beautiful, happy and exceptional children. I had one of those moments when I absolutely knew that my children were far superior to any other child in the store. It's one of those moments that every parent has at some point during any given week or month and will never admit - the absolute certainty that their child is the most intelligent, attractive, likeable, kind and loving person in the world. We look at other children and know they have great qualities, but there is a secret part of us we can't reveal to anyone but our partners that feels all other children pale in comparison, their eyes less glowing or their heart less open or their passion less evident.
As we got back to the car, Shawn Joaquin grabbed onto my arm. "Mama, I had a GREAT time with you. You're my BEST friend." Perhaps Hurricane Shawn Joaquin has finally passed, and left in its stead my loving and sweet boy after all.
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