Saturday, August 18, 2007

Behind door number one is....

I am fascinated by the doors in Antigua. As you can see from this street scene, behind them anything could exist — a beautiful courtyard with French dining, a potter hard at work and ready to sell his wares, a goat and dog duking it out for scraps, a family who owns a beautiful, colonial door but nothing else, and whose "house" walls are made of tin and plastic sheeting.

Today I took pictures of various doors, with a whimsical idea of a coffee table book some day to compete with Kramer's coffee table book about coffee tables. But as I learned when I returned home, taking photos with an inexpensive digital camera will not get me there - the top and bottom edges of every photo were lost. But I still managed to capture a few images worth sharing, though one person has already pointed out that some of the doors appear to have bullet nice photos, but please come home NOW.

Las puertas de Antigua:

I have no other news to report or scintillating stories, witticisms, navel gazing or even snarkiness. We spent today close to home and trying to encourage napping to no avail but with much whining on both sides. Tomorrow is our last full day in Antigua, when we plan to visit our favorite spots and drink some Antiguan coffee with a side of palmeras, walk through the Bodegona to gape at the deals on odd objects, and say goodbye to the beautiful little city that helped make us a family.

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