Monday, August 27, 2007

Homecoming, Part 1

Shawn Joaquin's first reaction to Madelena was excitement, shyness and a general woohooiness. I was thrilled that on her first night home, his biggest reaction was when I picked her up and he was compelled to shout CARRY ME MY LEGS DON'T WORK I CAN'T WALK CARRY ME CARRY ME CARRY ME NOW NOW NOW NOW. I felt blessed to have such a kind and balanced child. The next day Gregg took him to school against all protestations of needing to stay home and make Madelena laugh, and we enjoyed an hour of baby gazing before Madelena's nap.

At lunch time, we went to Rockridge to pick up Shawn Joaquin; Madelena and I hung out at a cafe and made gorilla faces at passersby and shoved sweet potatoes up our noses and only spit up once. When Shawn Joaquin arrived with Gregg, it was all smiles and kisses hugs. I was in mama-bliss, coffee in hand, sun in the sky, two happy children within arms reach.

G: Hey, guess what Shawn Joaquin did at school today.
Me: Tell me, baby. Did you play music? Did you have fun with your friends?
G: No. He hit his friends. Then he threw blocks at their heads. Oh, and he choked them.

Clearly, we had a ways to go. Later that night as he discovered that I was feeding Madelena, he felt compelled to throw a newly shucked ear of corn at my head with the accuracy and speed of Zito. As I picked bits of corn silk out of my hair, I realized it we had even further to go than I had initially thought.

To be continued....

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